Danity Kane Singer Puts in Day's Work

Publish date: 2020-08-07

We hope Diddy is spending quality time at home, away from a computer, with Kim Porter and their twin girls right about now.

Otherwise, he may get peeved at our following portrayal of Danity Kane member, Aubrey O’Day.

But can you blame us, Diddy? In making this successful R&B group, you just happened to have selected a woman that bears a resemblance to Willy Wonka’s working pals, the Oompa Loompas.

It’s not even that we find O’Day particularly bad looking. Then again, she’s no Lucy Pinder.

At least this half Oompa Loompa/half Kelly Ripa knockoff can practice singing as she toils in the chocolate factory. Everyone together now:

Oompa loompa doompadee doo / I’ve got another puzzle for you / Oompa loompa doompadah dee / If you are wise you’ll listen to me …
