We put the nation's favourite Christmas biscuits to the test to see once and for all which are the b

Publish date: 2020-12-13

CHRISTMAS is a time for people to come together, watch festive movies, exchange pressies and chow down on some good grub.

Families order in food by the truck load to graze on throughout the Christmas period, not to mention the obligatory boxes of biscuits and tubs of chocolates which you are inevitably gifted during the season.

But while these crunchy treats are well received, a box of biccies can cause a big problem for some households.

In each family there's an unpopular cracker that stays in the tin well into the New Year, as a stale reminder of the more delicious biscuits that were devoured long before.

Some people try and offer them to guests or a partially blind older relative, but often they stay there festering well after dad's put the box of baubles and tinsel back in the loft.

So which biscuits are the least popular and what should we expect to be lingering in the kitchen for months to come? The Sun Online decided it was time to conduct our own experiment.

In order to put the Christmas treats to the test we invested in family tins of biscuits from Fox's, McVities, Cadbury's, Asda, Tesco and Sainsbury's.

We left each of the boxes open and on offer to the biccie biting team at Sun Towers and carefully monitored  the munching progression over the course of a day.

The intrepid eaters started with their favourites and continued munching until we were just left with the dregs.

After a waist-expanding experiment, it was proven that plain biscuits like shortbread and digestives aren't popular but jammy dodgers, custard creams and ANYTHING smothered in chocolate goes down a treat. Here are the full results:

Best in show - Cadbury

The most popular of the tins was Cadbury's selection with the whole box emptied half way through the day.

Both white and milk chocolate were popular with the White Chocolate Shortcake being the first to go.

Strong second - Fox's

The Fox's selection box was second to be emptied out completely with the chocolate rings and jammy dodgers being the first to get snapped up.

The Crinkle Crunch Butter and the Golden Crunch Creams were the last to go from the pack.

Admirable effort - Sainsbury's

Again, chocolate was the order of the day with the choc-packed ring being the first to go from Sainsbury's festive box.

The classic shortbread, oaty cookie and chocolate digestive were all left at the end of the day.

Could do better - Asda

Asda's Christmas box of treats went down well with the wafers and chocolate shortbread going first.

The plainer biscuits and chocolate covered shortbread were left at the end of the experiment.

Improvement to be made - Tesco

The lack of chocolate meant that the Tesco tin didn't fly as quickly as the others.

The custard creams were a hit but the bourbons were still left on the shelf at the end of the day.

In last place - McVitie's

There was plenty left in the McVities box at the end of the challenge, with cookies and chocolate covered shortbread still up for grabs.

The white chocolate wafers went down well but the rest didn't catch people's eyes.


Worried about all the festive feasting? Here are some simple swaps to cut 5,000 calories this Christmas Day – without compromising on taste.

And these are the cheapest Christmas turkeys for 2017 – Tesco and Morrisons take the crown in our price comparison.

Plus McDonald’s Terry’s Chocolate Orange McFlurry is back – but only for a limited time.

Channel 5 show is set to reveal Britain's Favourite Biscuit
