'Shark Tank' Star Barbara Corcoran Describes Her 'Angriest' Moment

Publish date: 2020-07-22

Barbara Corcoran of Shark Tank has cornered the market on success both professionally and personally. Married to Bill Higgins since 1988, the real estate mogul has previously shared her own words of wisdom when it comes to relationships.

Yet when asked if she could recall a time when she was the “angriest” in her life, it turns out her most memorable wrath was directed at her spouse.

Barbara Corcoran can throw a good punch

In an interview with Lewis Howes, Corcoran described an argument with her husband that she still considers as a top time of losing her temper.

“The angriest I ever was was being angry with my husband Bill,” Corcoran revealed. “He was inconsiderate and I can’t even remember what was bugging me, but it was on Christmas Eve.”

Never one to shy away from a confrontation, the Shark Tank star admitted she got physical in her anger.

“I punched him hard with all my might in his chest,” Corcoran confessed. “He’s a big guy. I got a good connection in there. But then he left, he drove away.”

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At first, Corcoran thought her actions resulted in the end of their relationship. She soon found out her husband possessed some creative problem-solving skills.

“I thought he was driving out of my life,” she explained, sharing the conclusion of the spat while laughing. “I panicked. But he came back two hours later totally dressed as a goalie, a hockey goalie with mask, pads. … He walks in, he fills the door frame, and goes ‘Hit me now, I can’t feel anything baby.'”

The humorous gesture won Corcoran over – well, temporarily. “I loved him twice as much,” she told Howes, still laughing. “For the moment, until the next argument.”

While the real estate icon couldn’t recall specifics, she did remember the tiff was over a family member and admitted she took the wrong approach to the matter.

“It was something inconsiderate about my sister, who would drive anybody crazy,” Corcoran remarked. “I thought he should be a little bit more phony or be more tolerant. So instead, I became the intolerant, mean-spirited woman and took it out on him.”

Barbara Corcoran shares advice on marriage

In speaking with Howes, the Shark Tank panelist explained what she thinks both men and women need in relationships.

“Women want to be adored, really,” Corcoran noted. “They really want to be cherished for the specialness they have. And it’s the same with, of course, men. But you can lose sight of that very quickly when you’re in someone’s life for a long time. It’s so important.”

Corcoran encouraged couples to cultivate and nurture outside friendships so spouses don’t expect too much from each other.

“Find your joy or your excitement or whatever it is you’re thinking you don’t find in one individual, find it outside the marriage,” she advised. “I’m not talking about having an affair. I’m just speaking about personal friendships, you know. It’s like a crayon box. You can’t get all the colors from one color. And that’s who your husband is. He has three colors. He’s mastered those three colors, so you have to introduce those other colors and make sure you stay vital.”

With over 30 years of marital experience and still going strong, Corcoran knows of what she speaks.
