Fame | Wally Adeyemo net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

Publish date: 2020-10-24

How old is Wally Adeyemo? When is Wally Adeyemo's birthday? Where is Wally Adeyemo born? Where did Wally Adeyemo grow up from? What's Wally Adeyemo's age?

Wally Adeyemo Born: 1981 (age 42years), Nigeria

How about Wally Adeyemo's education?

Wally Adeyemo Education: Yale University, Yale Law School, University of California, Berkeley, Eisenhower High School

How about Wally Adeyemo's full name?

Wally Adeyemo Full name: Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo

How about Wally Adeyemo's nationality?

Wally Adeyemo Nationality: American

How about Wally Adeyemo's party?

Wally Adeyemo Party: Democratic Party

How about Wally Adeyemo's current position?

Wally Adeyemo Current position: United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury since 2021

Is Wally Adeyemo a Nigerian?

Wally Adeyemo, the highest-ranking member of the African diaspora in the Biden administration, emigrated from Nigeria to the United States as a child. Alan Rappeport covers the Treasury Department and economic policy. Get it sent to your inbox.

Who is the Nigerian in the Biden administration?

Wally Adeyemo, the highest-ranking member of the African diaspora in the Biden administration, emigrated from Nigeria to the United States as a child. Alan Rappeport covers the Treasury Department and economic policy. Get it sent to your inbox.
